Tuesday 29 January 2013

The end of week 4

Day 28. Week 4 is over.
I'm now off work for 12 weeks so I can focus on my goal!
I haven't stuck exclusively to plan. Our diet counsellor came yesterday and weighed us. I was a few pounds up from where I thought I was, but I had been drinking tea and coffee all day. I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I weighed myself and discovered that I've dropped below 174, where I've been stuck for most of this week, despite raiding the freezer and cooking the meat-free burgers that we had leftover. The calories in the burgers (we had 2 each)weren't a worry, but the sodium was, so I was expecting a slight water gain this morning. I am pleased, but I'm planning on being more careful. No more burgers. I have a dentist appointment later and on my way home, I'll be buying mushrooms and veggies for dinner tonight (we decided to start eating after our counsellor advised us that it wouldn't affect our losses, and it would make it easier for us.

I dug out my severely neglected Lateral Thigh Trainer yesterday, and plan to start using that alongside the vibration plate. I also found out and charged the Slendertone system that I brought a few years back and then threw into a box. I'll see if I can remember how it works and then will see if I can use it while I'm using the LTT. Or I'll electrocute myself and fall off the LTT and do myself an injury.
Anyway, on to the losses:
My starting weight: 193.6lbs
My current weight: 173.6lbs
My loss for week 1: 8.4lbs
My loss for week 2: 6.6lbs
My loss for week 3: 2.0lbs
My loss for week 4: 3lbs
Total loss: 20lbs
Current BMI: 28.

I am quite pleased with how my progress is going. My counsellor said that my loss is quite obvious. I'm just a little under 1/3rd of my way there and I have no plans to quit any time soon!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

The End of Week 3

Today marks the end of week 3. I'm not going to lie; it's been harder than I'd thought. Being back at work and having my train equipment weighing me down in the snow has made the week a nightmare. Even counting down the days hasn't helped.
I think that the worst thing about driving a train and doing this diet is that nobody realises that smells travel. If I drive beneath certain stations that serve hot food, I suddenly get hit in the face by the smell of hot toast, or pasties...etc. And the passengers are worse! I've had people sitting behind me at lunchtime (and by that, I mean sitting behind the cab door) eating a box of chicken and chips smothered in vinegar. It doesn't matter that I don't eat chicken - I defy anybody who hasn't eaten for three weeks to not respond to that smell.
Yesterday I travelled home on the cushions (sitting in with the passengers) and a smart young man sat opposite me and proceeded to eat the freshly made sandwich he had obviously just brought from a deli. I could smell that the bread was freshly cooked and sliced, that the butter had melted slightly on the warm bread and that the salad was freshly prepared. There was another smell that I think was ham, but I've never been a fan of the stuff, so I didn't focus on that. The smell made me so hungry that I started to get stomach cramps and I travelled home absolutely miserable.
When I got home, I went straight into the freezer for a pack of Quorn pieces that have been ignored in there since before we went vegan. I was so hungry that I quickly defrosted them and threw them into a pan to cook, then divided them between my house mate and myself, then scarfed them down. BIG mistake. I've become intolerant to egg and I spent the rest of the evening feeling incredibly sick. I'd have gone to the bathroom to assist it out again, but to deal with the bunged up feeling that this diet brings, I'd taken 2 laxatives ad didn't want to have them exit too. All in all, a very unpleasant evening and I've woken this morning feeling very heavy and sick.

And now, onto my loss for week 3. I usually fail to lose a lot when I'm on early shifts at work. I've been waking up between 6-7am after failing to have an early night and the scales have seemed to stay in one position. They've moved slight towards the end of this week, but not by much.

My starting weight: 193.6lbs
My current weight: 176.6lbs
My loss for week 1: 8.4lbs
My loss for week 2: 6.6lbs
My loss for week 3: 2.0lbs
Total loss: 17lbs
Current BMI: 28.1

The words 'Can do better' springs to mind.
I have 3 more days of work and then I'll have 12 weeks to see this plan pay off. I should be in a smaller uniform before I return to work.

One thing that slightly concerns me: My house mate, Helen, is almost at her healthy BMI of 25 and will have to move up to the 810 plan, introducing food. I still have to lose 26.6lbs before I reach BMI 25. It has been pure torture, smelling food, while I've been at work, and I can't imagine it will be any less so having food smells in the house.
Also, as a lovely Xmas/birthday gift, she has booked us to spend a few days over my birthday in February in Vienna. But If I still haven't reached BMI 25 by then, do I eat anyway? I can't imagine that walking through a beautiful city won't leave me absolutely famished and half dead if I don't. But I am concerned about how to order the type of food that Helen and I will be allowed to eat. I don't particularly want to throw caution to the wind for a few days because I find it so hard to stay on this diet once food is introduced. I guess I shall just have to wait and see what happens.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Week Two Ends

I'm pleased to say that I'm still going strong. Getting through week one is usually when I fail, as seen when I first started this blog.
I went back to work yesterday. It was absolute murder smelling all of the food that people brought onto my train, but I got through. I spent my meal break in the managers office, chatting to other drivers as I drank my second shake.
The hardest part of yesterday was actually the fact that I chose to take the quick train home instead of the one that takes me forty minutes and drops me outside of my house. It snowed heavily while I was working, and I struggled on the snow that had been walked on all day and was nothing more than a slippery mass - I dread to think how bad it is to walk on today after freezing overnight! I felt as though I'd completed a huge work out once I finally reached my house.
I had meant to have four shakes to get me through yesterday, but I was so tired after my third shake that I went to bed shortly after eight pm and slept through until eight this morning.
Anyway, Week Two is now over. I have lost exactly 15lbs and am so pleased with my progress.

My starting weight: 193.6lbs
My current weight: 178.6lbs
My loss for week 1: 8.4lbs
My loss for week 2: 6.6lbs

Friday 11 January 2013

Forget the pound of flesh

Mine and my house mate's diet counsellor came to see us on Wednesday and brought with her a grotesque looking diet aid that I'd requested: a pound of fat. It's made of plastic, but is the exact size, weight and look of a pound of fat. My housemate and I have decided to keep it in the fridge so that we always see it when we get the filtered water from the fridge for the shakes. Plus, it'll stop the cats from destroying it.

She also brought other good news with her - while I've had to shell out for new bathroom scales, hers showed us that ours are adding a few extra pounds to our weight. And when she measured us, she showed me that despite not sticking to a healthy regime since the last time she measured us (on the 9th of January last year), I've managed to lose inches all over somehow - up to 4 inches in some places!

In other news, I've realised that mine and my house mate's weight loss is going to start differing shortly. She is merely pounds away from being within a healthy BMI of 25, while I still have to lose roughly 2 stone (sorry for those of you who use metric, but I've always used Imperial and am stubbornly sticking to it) before I reach that milestone. This means that while I am sticking to shakes, she has no choice but to start eating on the 800 plan. It won't be anything excessive, thankfully - I won't be smelling bread or cake - but she will be cooking vegetables for herself. I'm currently not hungry (thank you, Ketosis), but I have no idea how I'll react when I smell food in the house.
This is when I start testing just how much I want to be thin!

Monday 7 January 2013

Week One ends

It has been 7 days since I first posted on this side of the year, so I'll coincide with the dieting group I am joined to on Facebook. The group moderator decided that rather than having our weighing week Mon-Sun, he would start it from the day that the 1st fell on, so our dieting week is Tues-Mon.

My starting weight: 193.6lbs
My current weight: 185.2lbs
My loss for week 1: 8.4lbs

I know that this loss is mostly water, but I'm fairly positive that I'm now in ketosis, which means that the next losses I record will be body fat loss.

Because I developed a granny ass the last time I did this diet, I am also using a vibration plate alongside the diet. My losses since I started using the vibration plate on Friday, have decreased, meaning that I have lost mere ounces instead of pounds over the last few days, but I'm not overly concerned by the numbers on the scale if the tape measure is getting looser.

My Cambridge Weight Plan Counsellor will be coming to see my housemate and I on Wednesday. She will be bringing with her something that I can look at and hold when my losses feel insignificant over the next few months: something that looks and weighs exactly the same as 1lb of body fat! I might keep it in the kitchen. I remember seeing one when I was with my old counsellor, Iris, back in 2008, and thinking that it was the ugliest thing I had ever seen and that just the sight of it would keep me from eating. While the urge to eat is currently gone, I would like to make sure that it doesn't show it's ugly head anytime soon.
Of course, I will be eating soon. I realise that when I return to work next week, I can't do so with nothing in my system (just standing suddenly last night had me collapsing back into my armchair, thinking I was about to pass out, which is clearly not a good thing to happen to a train driver). From Sunday, my housemate and I shall be reintroducing a very small amount of food back into the diet: likely baked mushroom and steamed vegetables.
I will not fail this time.

Friday 4 January 2013

Day 4

So far, so good. My housemate and I brought two jars each on Wednesday and I filled one of mine with 67 pebbles. I've so far moved 6 pebbles across to my second jar. I've also removed the old ticker from the bottom of the page and replaced it with a new ticker and chart. I have my determined head on. I refuse to carry this excess 62lbs any longer. My body aches from carrying it. I don't want to look in the mirror any longer and hate what I see.
I am going to weigh 9 stone by the summer.
I want to wear a bikini in the summer!

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Pebbles in a jar

67.6lbs to lose. I'm planning on buying 67 glass pebbles and 2 jars. I'll transfer a pebble from a full jar to another empty jar for each pound I lose. Sole source starts today.

Page 1 of a 365 page blank book

Well I did say that I'd fall off the diet and skulk into silence. I saw a picture yesterday that I posted to my Facebook, which I thought was appropriate to today.

LilySlim Weight loss Charts

LilySlim Weight charts
LilySlim Weight loss tickers