Tuesday 29 January 2013

The end of week 4

Day 28. Week 4 is over.
I'm now off work for 12 weeks so I can focus on my goal!
I haven't stuck exclusively to plan. Our diet counsellor came yesterday and weighed us. I was a few pounds up from where I thought I was, but I had been drinking tea and coffee all day. I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I weighed myself and discovered that I've dropped below 174, where I've been stuck for most of this week, despite raiding the freezer and cooking the meat-free burgers that we had leftover. The calories in the burgers (we had 2 each)weren't a worry, but the sodium was, so I was expecting a slight water gain this morning. I am pleased, but I'm planning on being more careful. No more burgers. I have a dentist appointment later and on my way home, I'll be buying mushrooms and veggies for dinner tonight (we decided to start eating after our counsellor advised us that it wouldn't affect our losses, and it would make it easier for us.

I dug out my severely neglected Lateral Thigh Trainer yesterday, and plan to start using that alongside the vibration plate. I also found out and charged the Slendertone system that I brought a few years back and then threw into a box. I'll see if I can remember how it works and then will see if I can use it while I'm using the LTT. Or I'll electrocute myself and fall off the LTT and do myself an injury.
Anyway, on to the losses:
My starting weight: 193.6lbs
My current weight: 173.6lbs
My loss for week 1: 8.4lbs
My loss for week 2: 6.6lbs
My loss for week 3: 2.0lbs
My loss for week 4: 3lbs
Total loss: 20lbs
Current BMI: 28.

I am quite pleased with how my progress is going. My counsellor said that my loss is quite obvious. I'm just a little under 1/3rd of my way there and I have no plans to quit any time soon!

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